Klinikum, Hannover
s_onro systems

Project description
Roller shutter and sun blind made of aluminium micro slats
With its modern form, s_onro combines blind and roller shutter functions in fascinating fashion. What makes it really special is its unique construction. At an angle of inclination of 20 degrees and above the aluminium curtain shields the interior from direct sunlight. The amount of light that gets in can be individually determined by opening and closing the blind, all the way to complete blackout conditions. With its high level of transparency, s_onro ensures sufficient incoming light and the ability to see outside.
In this respect the high-quality s_onro aluminium blind fuses aesthetically into the appearance of the façade and with its outstanding properties fulfils all the requirements of a modern hospital building. The sun protection was integrated into surface-mounted boxes tailored specifically to the project and also contributes to the clinic's sustainable, efficient use of energy.
sander.hofrichter architekten GmbH
Klinikum Region Hannover